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Roll off driver
Waste Pro - Jackson, MS
Waste Pro has immediate Openings for Energetic CDL Drivers! Everyday thousands of Waste Pro trucks serve millions of customers. It takes professional, experienced, hardworking and dedicated people, working together, to accomplish this task. Work with the brightest people in the industry while driving some of the finest trucks built. Did you know that Wast...
Front Load Driver
Waste Pro - Jackson, MS
Waste Pro has immediate Openings for Energetic CDL Drivers! Everyday thousands of Waste Pro trucks serve millions of customers. It takes professional, experienced, hardworking and dedicated people, working together, to accomplish this task. Work with the brightest people in the industry while driving some of the finest trucks built. Did you know that...
Diesel Mechanic C
Waste Pro - Jackson, MS
Everyday thousands of Waste Pro trucks serve millions of customers. It takes professional, experienced, hardworking and dedicated people, working together, to accomplish this task. Work with the brightest people in the industry on some of the finest trucks built including Mack, Freightliner, Peterbilt, McNeilus, and Heil to name a few. Never get bored while you work on diesel trucks and our ...
Sales Supervisor
Waste Pro - Jackson, MS
SUMMARY OF POSITION: The Sales Supervisor provides for the short- and long-term growth of WP revenues through superior business development, communication, relationship building, client retention team leadership and selling efforts. The Sales Supervisor will support the growth and development of the sales team in an assigned Region and manages all sales related activities including proper...